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April 5, 2008: Net Neutrality video from savethe internet.comIf you still haven't really looked into why Net Neutrality is important, here are a few recent places where the debate has been aired.... — CNet Don't Let the Service Providers Discriminate on the Internet Two of the Internet's top business innovators made a case for Net Neutrality today in an op-ed written for the San Jose Mercury News. "Reinstating the Internet's core principle of net neutrality won't stand in the way of innovation," write John Doerr and Reed Hastings.... — San Jose Mercury News Protecting Net Neutrality from the Neutricidal Telcos For AT&T and Verizon to be screaming for the protection of the free market against Net Neutrality is "sheer hypocrisy," writes Internet guru Cory Doctorow. "They themselves are creatures of government regulation, basing their business on government-granted extraordinary privileges."Information Week No Tolls on the Internet Only a Congress besieged by high-priced telecom lobbyists could possibly consider handing the Internet over to the handful of cable and telephone companies that control online access for 98 percent of the broadband market.
Read full articlethe Knowledge Base article is here.
Read full articleI recently blogged about CoComment's new Firefox Extension. I was pretty excited to see it, and really enjoyed not having to use the bookmarklet to track my conversations.
Read full articleI got an email a couple days ago from Vic Correro at the Writesville blog, expressing concern that referrers info was not showing up properly in stats for TypePad sites. Vic had tested the issue in four stats programs, and I had noticed the same issue in the If you host your blog on (or you may have noticed a drop in the number of referrals from search engines or other sources in the last week.... TypePad was the subject of a “distributed denial of service attack” last week and I believe they made some changes to their hosting to block the attack and that is causing the referral information to become lost. I don’t think there is an actual drop in traffic caused by their “fix” but it is blocking information to let you know the source of your visitors. I’ve submitted a support ticket to TypePad on the issue and their response was: We are looking into the issue further and have requested a fix which we hope to have resolved soon.
Read full articleHe wrote: I've long mentioned little things on this site that I would love to see as features on TypePad […] Inspired by John Unger's site, I thought I would collect my list in one place and see if it makes sense; to see if it's merely a wishlist or truly a list of features I think would make TypePad better for all its users.... It's better than just taking a poll because it would allow people to make suggestions in their own words and to include items not found on the Agenda Page (TypePad Hacks' master list of feature requests).... Share Your Wishlist Project: I'd like to ask everyone to post an entry on your own blog listing the ten features/changes that you would most like to see.... I've created a feed to display links to all the wishlist pages in the sidebar, so this will make it easy for others to find and read your list.... You can also tag your page by pasting the following link at the bottom of the post: typepadwishlist To view posts others have contributed to the Wishlist Project, visit
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