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January 6, 2007: Customized Headline Animator from FeedBurnerI've been emailing back and forth with Murali Narasimhan (creator of Authorati) all morning and he's done a bunch of great work to improve the service.... You'll notice, for instance, that at the bottom of each of my posts you can now click on a FeedFlare link which allows you to rate this blog at Authorati.... FeedBurner will be adding it to their Flare catalog on the next revision but there's no need to wait if you'd like to get it now. He also made some of the changes I suggested on the home site for Authorati, including a quick bio to tell you who has created the service and a new, improved sidebar widget for your blog. Changes in the works include putting together code so that individual blog posts are available for rating without the need for authors to regularly log in to the website to update the list of articles, updating the MyAuthorati page which displays the ratings breakdown, and some additions to the FAQ to describe the new features.
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