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April 2, 2008: Drag Links from firefox sidebar to your TypePad compose windowI was able to speed it up somewhat by keeping a text file of the code ready to paste in, but still… It's so much easier to have it integrated into the app. Built-in tagging is one of the three biggest reasons I started writing most of my posts using Ecto.... Technorati Tags are used by Technorati and other blog-oriented search engines to index your posts so people can find them.... The other reason Tags are great is that they allow you to pare the categories you use on your blog down to the essential. If you have too many categories it can be just as bad as having none… there's a limit to how much attention span the averagee reader is going to have, and they aren't likely to scroll down an endless sidebar list of categories to see if you have what they want.... I just did a remake of one of my other blogs and one of the things I was most excited about was revamping the categories so that they made more sense and took up less space.
Read full articleI've been delaying the post until I can get it to work across all browsers… right now, it doesn't display properly in Internet Explorer but seems fine in all the other browsers I've tried.... Actually, what I'm really hoping is that someone cleverer than I am can figure out a better way to add the search field to the CSS menu so that it does work right in IE.... So I enclosed the google code in it's own div tag, used some CSS for alignment and text style and pasted it in just above the menu list as shown below.... <div id="chromemenu"> <div style="float: right; font-weight: bold; color: #494949; padding: 4px; "> <!-- SiteSearch Google --> <form method="get" action="">Search: <input type="text" name="q" size="5" maxlength="150" style="width:150px;" /><input type="hidden" name="domains" value="" /><input type="hidden" name="sitesearch" value="" /></form> <!-- SiteSearch Google --></div> <ul> <li><a href="">Manifesto</a></li> When I figure out a better way to do this, I'll replace this post with clearer instructions.... Oh, and if you're using basic templates and want to add google search to a typelist, you can find great instructions for that in this post at Everything TypePad.
Read full articleThis widget will install an invisible snippet of JavaScript on your site that will scan the page for links that point outside of your domain, and force those links to open in a new browser window. Any links that point inside your domain -- archive links, category links, individual entry links, etc. -- will open in the current browser window. Note that because this Widget just installs JavaScript on your blog, there will be nothing for you to preview during the Widget installation process.... No problem… I just added it to a basic blog, viewed the source code, found the JavaScript and pasted it into one of the TypeLists here. ...<script type="text/javascript"> (function() { var x = function() { var links = document.getElementsByTagName ?
Read full articleNavigate to this page in TypePad's Knowledge Base (preferably in a new tab or browser window) and copy the entry-individual template module code.... Scroll down until you see the following line of code: <h3 class="entry-header"><$MTEntryTitle$></h3> Replace that line of code with the following: <h3 class="entry-header"><a href="<$MTEntryPermalink$>"><$MTEntryTitle$></a></h3> Click save. Navigate to this page in TypePad's Knowledge Base and copy the entry-list template module code.... Scroll down until you see the following line of code: <h3 class="entry-header"><$MTEntryTitle$></h3> Replace that line of code with the following: <h3 class="entry-header"><a href="<$MTEntryPermalink$>"><$MTEntryTitle$></a></h3> and click save.... If you created new template modules in the previous steps, follow the next set of instructions: If you created new template modules for entry-individual and entry-list, return to the Design tab.
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