Comment Archives

This page displays up to 100 comments in reverse chronological order. Comments displayed are limited to the last 30 days, but will always remain accessible on the individual entries where they were posted. Feel free to jump in and respond to comments by other readers!

1 Jun 7, 2010 1:44:18 PM
Kendra on Sidebar and Content Widths

Thank you thank you thank you! Your site is what I have been searching for to get my new food blog up and running. Genius!

2 May 17, 2010 5:51:15 PM
beadknitter on The Paypal Storefront Widget, The fastest, easiest eCommerce solution for blogs

I noticed this post is 2 years old and I'm wondering if the Paypal Storefront widget is still being worked on and/or supported. I tried installing it on my blog over the weekend and though it installed find, I have the same problem of it slowing down until my computer freezes up. I also can't seem to get it to let me load more than 4 products too before it freezes up in edit mode. Anyone working on this thing cos it would be so awesome.

3 Apr 13, 2010 4:25:05 PM
Melissa on Edit This Post Buttons for the Footer of TypePad Blogs

Any idea why my "Edit This Post" link is taking me to a "Compose New Entry" page rather than the edit page?

4 Mar 16, 2010 4:28:25 PM
Romain on The Paypal Storefront Widget, The fastest, easiest eCommerce solution for blogs

great post. what about Tax options? the widget doesn't allow you to include tax depending on what state you are. CA has sales tax so does CO. Just an important thought as an ecommerce person.

5 Mar 1, 2010 7:07:40 AM
Mitzi Curi on About TypePad Hacks

I am completely exhausted after spending the last week trying to improve my blog, learn how to resize pictures, and learning how to edit photos in Photoshop Elements and Picnik. I am wondering if I make a list of specific things I need tweaking on my blog, if you would be interested doing some work for me? Or, if you know of someone else that might be?
Many Thanks,

6 Jan 27, 2010 7:19:22 PM
Sherz on The Paypal Storefront Widget, The fastest, easiest eCommerce solution for blogs

"Can you help I want to use the widget for my blog but am really fustrated in trying to set up my storefront. Not only is it really slow to type and move from one field to the next it constanly freezes my computer."

"I'm building my store, but updating product information has become impossibly slow."

Same here. The widgets build/update process is definitely broken. I've tried it on several browsers on different PC's. Impossibly slow to the point where it's completely unusable.

7 Dec 9, 2009 6:08:53 AM
Aravindan N on How to Make Following the Conversation Easy with a Comments Feed

I used your RSS2.0 version and I am able to get the comments as feeds. Thanks.

I have more than 250 comments in the blogs but it retrieves only latest 100 comments where as I update the lastn attribute value to 250 and added the sort_order="descend"

<MTComments lastn="250" sort_order="descend" >

Can you guys help me to retrieve all the comments grouped based on post and then sorted in descended commented date order?

It would be even helpful if you can provide the code snippet which can return the count of comments in the entire blog.

Aravindan N

8 Nov 6, 2009 9:44:22 AM
Jamie on Now taking Requests (More obviously than Before)

I'm trying to customize the Zen Neutral theme. Under the banner there is a nav-bar area were things like Home, Archive and whatnot are stored. I want to replace that with some custom images/designs I have made. Basically it is 6 images lined up in a 6 column row each linking to a different thing.

But I'm not quite sure how to add it in there, there doesn't seem to be any good documentation on this subject, and I cannot access the actual source code to the theme. I appreciate any help on this as it is the only thing holding up finishing my blog.

you can view the blog at I'm trying to customize the Zen Neutral theme. Under the banner there is a nav-bar area were things like Home, Archive and whatnot are stored. I want to replace that with some custom images/designs I have made. Basically it is 6 images lined up in a 6 column row each linking to a different thing.

But I'm not quite sure how to add it in there, there doesn't seem to be any good documentation on this subject, and I cannot access the actual source code to the theme. I appreciate any help on this as it is the only thing holding up finishing my blog.

You can view the blog at

9 Nov 3, 2009 8:50:15 AM
Account Deleted on Simple Rounded Corners for TypePad

How do I use Adam's code in my Typepad blog? I don't have access (I don't think) to the DIV tags that envelope content areas from within the custom CSS. I'd really not have to use an advanced template as I'm barely comfortable editing plain CSS as it is. If it can't be done without advanced templates I'll just have to keep the default sharp cut-yer-fingers-if-you're-not-careful corners.

10 Oct 23, 2009 11:21:07 PM
Mike Smarr on AHA Award for Thom Meredith's design

Wow! Did that ever motivate the @#%! out of me! Awesome work, great tutorials!

11 Oct 21, 2009 2:17:32 PM
David Thayer on The Paypal Storefront Widget, The fastest, easiest eCommerce solution for blogs

I'm building my store, but updating product information has become impossibly slow. I'm using osx on a macbookpro (intel). There are ten products on my widget with images linking to flickr.

It is slow on firefox (pc, winxp), firefox (mac) and safari. on Firefox i get a warning that some script is too slow and will crash my computer - which, in some sense, it does.

This slowness is when I am logged into paypal with access to paypallabs site.

Any ideas or suggestions?


david t

12 Sep 28, 2009 7:58:30 AM
Karin on AHA Award for Thom Meredith's design

It is great. But it is almost greater if you come back from "semi-retirement". :-)

13 Sep 15, 2009 8:38:02 PM
MK on The Paypal Storefront Widget, The fastest, easiest eCommerce solution for blogs

PayPal xilab widget looks great and I think it will work well for me. I am having problems with loading product info on it. It does change will and the cursor get bogged down.

I have loaded the widget on It loaded easily.

Is their a phone # for personal support? Or a good web site or email site that I could get info I need to get this up and running. If I ran it in TypePad would I have less problems?

14 Aug 19, 2009 5:00:46 PM
Natasha on How To: Create a Dynamic Horizontal Navigation Menu for TypePad Blogs


Wondering if you could help me out! My Nav Bar is working, however is not completely left aligned????

Is there an extra Tag or something somewhere on the Index page????

Any help would be super appreciated!!!!


15 Jul 30, 2009 9:30:43 PM
mia on The Paypal Storefront Widget, The fastest, easiest eCommerce solution for blogs

You mentioned etsy -- are you able to integrate your etsy listings into this widget? Or would you essentially have to list the same item for sale via PayPal, in addition to listing on etsy? The "mini showcase" that etsy offers is handy if you only have a few items available, but when your shop is fully stocked, you can only view 25 of them. I was hoping that this might be a 2-in-1 solution for me -- make etsy shopping available via a simple interface. Any thoughts?

16 Jul 8, 2009 9:02:17 AM
sue moore on The Paypal Storefront Widget, The fastest, easiest eCommerce solution for blogs

Can you help I want to use the widget for my blog but am really fustrated in trying to set up my storefront. Not only is it really slow to type and move from one field to the next it constanly freezes my computer. First I thought it was because my old desk top comp is really old but its even worse on my brand new laptop. Why is this happening. I really don't want the hassel of setting up another web site but unless I can get this to work will have to.

17 Jun 20, 2009 10:40:02 PM
Kurt on Blogs as Stores: A Comprehensive Overview of Ecommerce Solutions for Bloggers

I am just now dipping my toe in the e-commerce/blog waters. Currently, I simply have an offsite Printfection store with some T-shirts. (It's similar to Cafepress and Zazzle.) Thanks for the comprehensive overview of the options.

Ideally, what I would like to do is combine an apparel storefront like Printfection with a book publishing one like Lulu. However, I think that would be some programming work and depend on the APIs of the various vendors.

If I could also integrate affiliate sales, even better, but I don't think Amazon would be too keen on that. Although, I suppose publish through Lulu and distribute books through Amazon. Wonder if cafepress and their ilk also offer options to distribute through Amazon

18 May 28, 2009 10:24:17 PM
McCleskeyMS on Sidebar and Content Widths

Hey fellows. Recently took over administrating the teacher blogs for the middle school where I work. Been doing some research online and am considering just building a theme from the ground up since as you say the pre-defined don't "play nice." I really like some of the elements of the Morgan green theme in Typepad, but want to get rid of the brown background gradient behind the banner and just stretch the green floral banner all the way across the page. Is this possible to do using CSS? I have a Pro acct and not much experience using CSS (none, in fact except what I have been mucking about with in my redesign efforts today.) Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

19 May 20, 2009 4:14:42 PM
Katie Konrath on Simple Rounded Corners for TypePad

Is this with advanced templates? Or were you just able to do this with css?

20 May 5, 2009 11:48:38 PM
Adrian Ortiz on How To: Create a Dynamic Horizontal Navigation Menu for TypePad Blogs

John this is a great hack.

I tried it but it does not work quite as written and I think I am doing something wrong. Do the instructions from 2006 still work on today's TypePad Advanced Templates? Is there something better?

21 Apr 1, 2009 8:58:36 AM
Account Deleted on How To: Place AdSense Ads In A Header at the Top of Your TypePad Blog

Is there a reason why this would not be clickable in firefox? I did this and neither the logo nor the adsense block is clickable in firefox, yet they work fine in IE.

Is there a workaround for this?

22 Mar 13, 2009 12:38:59 PM
Xavier on Twitter Tools, Tweaks and Theories

If you like Twitter and twitter apps as much as I can see, you have to test!

It aggregates the links coming from the people you follow!

Just follow @microplaza for an invite ...

23 Mar 11, 2009 10:36:23 AM
Justyna on Add a Free Forum to Your TypePad Blog in Minutes!

I know it's just the second step, but where is the link to the "main index template"?

24 Mar 9, 2009 7:59:36 PM
Mr Ulster on Drop Down Menus for Categories + Archives

@Susan (and others with non-Advanced template access):

Like you I do not have a TypePad Pro account; alas only Plus account and thus unable to implement this hack.

However, here is a workaround along the lines of your request:

1. For your blog, go to Design tab>Content
2. Insert Module=Monthly Archives (under Modules list)
3. Save Changes (button at bottom of page)
4. View Weblog (link upper right corner)
5. Find Monthly Archives module, and copy URL for "More..." link (right-click>copy)
6. Still logged into TypePad, go to TypeLists tab>Create a new TypeList
7. Link Type=Notes; name as desired (e.g. Archive List)
8. For Label, leave blank; for Note, enter "(a href="[paste URL you copied step 5 above, should end /archives.html]" target="_blank")Archives(/a) [replacing parentheses with carrots as appropriate]
9. Save, Configure, Publish
10. View Weblog (I'd refresh the cache to force new page version)

Delete original Monthly Archives Module as desired.

Not as clever as drop menus, but good enough for this non-Pro TypePad user: Mr Ulster

25 Mar 7, 2009 12:23:54 PM
Jessica Thompson on How to Make Following the Conversation Easy with a Comments Feed

Thank you! This still works. Very happy to find it.

26 Feb 22, 2009 2:58:33 PM
Nick Morgan on TypePad Post Dating Oddity

This was very helpful. I'm creating a blog that contains all our media coverage and blog references ( I was able to use the 'Publish On' feature to reflect the original date each piece was published. Thanks!


27 Feb 20, 2009 2:50:49 PM
Unfather on Creating Custom TypePad Widgets

Yeah but there is no way to remove that tacky Get Widget link on the bottom, even after you pay. The CEO himself refunded my money when I brought this up.

They claim "no advertising" when you become a paid subscriber, but it's a filthy lie because that Get Widget BS links right back to their site, not yours. They call this "viral marketing", and it is. Widgetbox is a virus, and they're marketing at the expense of your apparent professionalism.

Long story short, Widgetbox is a terrible service. If you do pay, don't ever count on getting your money back under any circumstance. I am lucky I did.

28 Feb 15, 2009 9:39:57 AM
Chris on Creating a Three Column Layout with the Post Column Aligned to the Right or Left Side of the Page

Now that TypePad has a three column right layout available, I'm wondering if there is an easier way to to a three column left layout. I still want to be able to use the TypeLists.

29 Feb 14, 2009 4:00:36 PM
Carolyn Hughes on Picnik, A photo editor for the rest of us

Picnik is amazing!! I'm a writer, and not very technical so it's such a relief not to have to learn Photoshop.

I've just created a new banner for my blog by sprucing up a photo that wasn't very good, strategically cropping it and then putting the blog name across it. There's loads of fonts to choose from which is pretty good.

I pay for the upgraded account, it is definitely worth it.

30 Feb 7, 2009 5:34:22 PM
Account Deleted on I'm speaking at BlogWorld, 2008

Hi John - I've got a request for technical advice. It doesn't feel right to post it here but the forum seems to have a glitch that won't let me see it and you do say you prefer questions in public comments than private mails. So sorry if this isn't the place.

I use the instructions given in the Typepad knowledge base to put streaming mp3s on my pages. But I find that they only show the play button in IE; in Firefox I get the message that a plugin is necessary. It then invites me to install Quicktime. I get this in Firefox on two different pcs. Neither has Quicktime. (I don't want QT.) One has Quicktime Alternative. I get the same message on both. In the one with QTA, I've chekced the mime types and mp3 is excluded. I've gone through this with Typepad support but they've given up and referred me to Adobe. They say they see the streaming button fine on my pages.

The code is

An example page is

Do you know where it's going wrong?

31 Jan 17, 2009 10:37:04 AM
Wijnand on You're Not Stuck with Your TypePad Domain

Hi I'm setting up a new blog and have succesfully mapped my domain to Nothing is indexed by Google yet, but my question is:

How do I make sure Google will only index my own domain versions of the articles, so e.g. but not

hope you can help me out!

32 Jan 15, 2009 1:19:40 PM
Kimberly @ Squidoo on Twitter Tools, Tweaks and Theories launched today! Ask your followers a question, and they can archive answers on your Squidoo lens. From the silly ("should I wear the Barney suit or the suit from Barney's") to the serious ("where can I get the best sushi in Minneapolis?").
Check it out at
Community & Charity Organizer

33 Jan 14, 2009 5:29:35 AM
Dale Hurley on Twitter Tools, Tweaks and Theories

While I admire the other rss to twitter tools they are a little hard to use. I have been working on a tool which does as the name says, takes rss feeds and sends them to Twitter. Four simple fields is all you have to fill in.

34 Jan 13, 2009 2:50:23 PM
Chris on How To: Place AdSense Ads In A Header at the Top of Your TypePad Blog

Can anyone update this? I am sure this is outdated but would love to do the hack. Thanks!

35 Jan 12, 2009 4:01:35 PM
John T Unger on Add Links to Recent Posts on Your Individual Entries

Olivia and Ricky,

You can use Feedjit's widget (as seen at the bottom of my sidebar) to display related posts. It works on a page specific basis in the sidebar, or you could add it to the bottom of each post.

36 Jan 12, 2009 3:56:40 PM
Nancy on Add Links to Recent Posts on Your Individual Entries

Ditto to olivia's comment -- did anyone figure out how to link up to Related Posts? It'd be such a useful feature!

37 Jan 12, 2009 3:55:44 PM
Nancy on Add Links to Recent Posts on Your Individual Entries

Ditto to olivia's comment -- did anyone figure out how to link up to Related Posts? It'd be such a useful feature!

38 Jan 1, 2009 12:20:14 AM
Brenda on TypePad Discount Codes

I am considering Typepad. I asked the live chat a few questions to help me decide, and I've yet to recieve an answer. I am interested in the free codes, and also some answers to my inquiries! Thanks

39 Dec 28, 2008 1:13:24 AM
Account Deleted on A Creative TypePad SEO Hack

Quoting Kate ". Is there a simple, step by step version available anywhere.... (simple to the level of step 1 - open design tab, step 2 - ....)"

Please,Please could you rewrite this post as a step by step one for computer challenged and Typepad advanced template users like me.

40 Dec 25, 2008 11:35:42 PM
Mike on Edit This Post Buttons for the Footer of TypePad Blogs


Thank you for posting the update. Typepad just upgraded my account recently and I was surprised (and dismayed) to find this hack no longer worked.

It's a great hack - I appreciate your determining the adustment.


41 Dec 24, 2008 1:29:16 PM
Mike on Style Author Comments on Your TypePad Blog

I used this to highlight my author comments by having a different colored background. However, I recently switched to Typepads Connect for managing comments since I wanted to do threaded comments.

Any idea how to do the same with Typepad Connect?



42 Dec 19, 2008 11:05:48 PM
jeff paul on Join the TypePad Hacks Affiliate Program

i just love typepad hacks , your doin great work keep going.

43 Dec 19, 2008 1:21:18 AM
jeff paul on How To: Insert Google AdSense Ads Between Posts on Your TypePad Blog

well i must say its a great source for those who are looking for the easiest way for making money on the internet and thats Google adsense and typepad are always a great source for increasing traffic .

44 Dec 15, 2008 10:42:25 AM
Lynn McBride on Start: The Purpose of This Blog

Hi John,
Thanks for a great site. I've just signed up for Typepad. I just want a simple blog, but I want to import a custom logo, and it seems I can't do that unless I learn CSS, etc., way beyond my abilities. It seems I should be able to just cut and paste a logo I created myself in a word file, as I would a photo--easy, right? but unless I'm missing something, I can't, without great effort. I'm looking for alternative sites at this point.
Thanks, Lynn

45 Dec 12, 2008 10:09:54 AM
attila on Emoticons for TypePad Blogs

Please keep me informed about future developments, ease of use, etc.

46 Dec 8, 2008 8:28:42 PM
Mat F on TypePad Discount Codes

Hi John,

I'm looking to get started with a blog. I wish Icould get a promo code like you offered in the past. Do you know where and/or how I could get one ?

Thank you.


47 Dec 5, 2008 3:54:44 PM
ben on Twitter Tools, Tweaks and Theories

great post. thanks for the resource.

i'm trying to figure out how to activate the tinyurl links in my twitter feed on my blog (typepad). they post fine, but links aren't active.

any thoughts?

48 Dec 5, 2008 8:29:03 AM
Kim, Age of Autism Typepad blog on The Paypal Storefront Widget, The fastest, easiest eCommerce solution for blogs

UNCLE! I finally got in after 3 days of trying. It doesn't upload a photo - you have to host it somewhere. Pain in the ass. I got a version (sans photo) to load onto a dummy Typepad blog that's not published - too wide for the sidebar.

John kindly recommended Cartfly - I keep timing out there.

I just want to sell some tshirts and flags from our site. Any ideas how else I can set up payment? We have a paypal account for donations. I could set up a buy it now button, but we don't have a store. Could I use a Typepad blog PAGE to generate a URL to fake a store??

Thanks. KIM

49 Dec 3, 2008 4:54:49 PM
Account Deleted on Now taking Requests (More obviously than Before)

Is there a way to customize my "Your Photo" module via CSS? I don't want to create an Advanced Template, but I really want to customize what goes in the photo module.

50 Dec 3, 2008 1:25:56 PM
Kim, Age of Autism a TP blog on The Paypal Storefront Widget, The fastest, easiest eCommerce solution for blogs

Ugh! This widget will NOT load. I can't get into the PayPal lab. It's taking forever to download - as in 20+ minutes and not moving. I have Vista - is that the wretched problem. I want this widget! Thanks. KIM

51 Nov 25, 2008 4:48:51 PM
olivia on Add Links to Recent Posts on Your Individual Entries

Ricky or John - did either of you figure out how to link up the related posts?

52 Nov 23, 2008 1:15:56 PM
Account Deleted on How To Add Expanding-Collapsing Menus With Subcategories to your TypePad Blog

I have used this hack for quite some time now (after having read here) and suddenly I found one day that the one of my lists which use this hack lost all the plus signs and they moved to anther list (which also uses this hack) - so now one list has 2 pluses and the other one just shows up as a long expanded list. The strangest thing is that this happens only when I view the blog in Internet Explorer and not in other browsers. Any ideas how I can correct this in IE? My blog is

53 Nov 20, 2008 10:11:39 AM
Phone Shop Finder on Demo of Iphone App for TypePad at WWDC

Blogging from your mobile phone is a very convenient innovation, since some of the bloggers are mostly working or just always on the go. And being able to blog on your mobile phone anytime and anywhere is a sure way of providing convenience to a lot of people.

54 Nov 17, 2008 6:25:02 AM
Jean on Now taking Requests (More obviously than Before)

Anyone know why there are bulletpoints in the sidebar when displayed in IE but not in Firefox? Is there a way I can control this?

55 Nov 15, 2008 3:01:14 AM
sruthin on Duplicate Content and Your TypePad Domain

thank you for the information

see these famous ebooks sites

for your all ebook needs

thank you

56 Nov 14, 2008 1:10:39 PM
Sydney SEO on A Creative TypePad SEO Hack

customization of the typepads for the searching the keyword could be seen through SEO

57 Nov 10, 2008 1:11:54 AM
Jyotsna on Rank Better in Google by Adding Dynamic Title Tags to your TypePad Blog

Hi John,
I have just come across this post of yours and would like to know if it is still relevant with the new Typepad platform.It takes me ages to figure it out and I just couldnt bear going through the process and finding it wont help. I Know -- LAZY ! No, seriously I am computer learning challenged.
Could you let me know if it is better ( for SEO) to link to older material on posts or by transferring it all to pages ?

58 Nov 7, 2008 6:25:52 AM
peter t on The Paypal Storefront Widget, The fastest, easiest eCommerce solution for blogs

Hello! How do I upload my product onto the widget? I converted the image to the recommended specs (188x168)and copied the url from the"copy url" box on my myspace page. I forget exactly what message says but all it really says is to check my url and try again. which i have, to no avail.I wasnt able to find any support on the page. what am i doing wrong. darn! Thanks

best, pete

59 Nov 6, 2008 11:28:03 AM
Daniel on Now taking Requests (More obviously than Before)

I need serious help. I make the link I'm providing into the new look for a client who uses TypePad for his site. How do a alter the code and change setting on TypePad so this works?

Link is:

Grateful if you can help me

60 Nov 5, 2008 8:55:26 PM
Abby Straus on Frequently Asked Questions

Hi there.

The main body column of my blog isn't showing up in IE. Being a Firefox user, I'm not sure how long this has been happening, but I just started getting word of it from readers. The text shows up in the code, but no dice in the browser. I have IE 7...not sure about others.

Any suggestions?

Many thanks for your help and this great resource.

Abby Straus

61 Nov 3, 2008 4:34:36 PM
Lisa on Blogs as Stores: A Comprehensive Overview of Ecommerce Solutions for Bloggers

Hi John.

It was great to stumble onto this post as I've been trying to do exactly what you just describe. I used TypePad in combo with paypal to do exactly what you've just described in my new store: My concern is getting traffic. I'm starting to wonder if a blog site used as a store would really garner the traffic of a full blown shopping cart, like say Volusion?

I'm using adwords to see what happens. But given that I'm strictly using the site as a store and not really as a blog, I'm wondering if I'm really doing the right thing. Any ideas?


62 Nov 3, 2008 4:34:15 PM
Lisa on Blogs as Stores: A Comprehensive Overview of Ecommerce Solutions for Bloggers

Hi John.

It was great to stumble onto this post as I've been trying to do exactly what you just describe. I used TypePad in combo with paypal to do exactly what you've just described in my new store: My concern is getting traffic. I'm starting to wonder if a blog site used as a store would really garner the traffic of a full blown shopping cart, like say Volusion?

I'm using adwords to see what happens. But given that I'm strictly using the site as a store and not really as a blog, I'm wondering if I'm really doing the right thing. Any ideas?


63 Oct 30, 2008 8:12:01 PM
Tony T on Pagination Comes to TypePad!

Pagination works for me. Some of my posts get well over 200 comments and it used to take an age to load the page. Now the load time is quicker and constant.

Trouble is, the comments notifiers only keep track of comments on the first page. They can't "find" the URLs for comments on any subsequent pages.

Anyone know if it is possible to install sidebar links that will jump to the extra pages?

"After running several TypePad blogs over the past four years, that's MY most-wanted feature."

I've been with Typepad about the same time and MY most-wanted features are the "recently commented on" instruction and the ability to put buttons in the comment section to make it easier for commenters to use bold, italcs, strike and add links. At the moment, none of these are possible with Typepad. Apparently.

64 Oct 30, 2008 9:32:25 AM
Debra Hamel on Edit This Post Buttons for the Footer of TypePad Blogs

Hi, John. With their recent changes TypePad also changed the link you use to access your edit page. You may already have noticed that your edit link isn't working anymore.

I wrote into TypePad to find out the tags that will output the new postid. Here's the new URL that you need:<$MTEntryXID$>/edit

Put that in where before you had: edit_entry&id=<$MTEntryID$>&blog_id=YOURNUMBERHERE

Now, where the XXXXXX is, TypePad supplied this tag -- <$MTBlogXID$> -- so that the full address would be:<$MTBlogXID$>/post/<$MTEntryXID$>/edit

But that tag didn't call anything up for me. So instead I replaced it manually with my blog's ID. It's longer than the old ID, and you can find it by editing a post on your blog. The number you need will be between /blog/ and /post/ in the address bar.

65 Oct 30, 2008 6:00:24 AM
ecommerce website design on A Creative TypePad SEO Hack

I don't know about this topic more.But By reading your post I got impressed.Now I am interesting to know more about this.Thanks for sharing

66 Oct 25, 2008 9:54:03 AM
Christopher Sleight on Pagination Comes to TypePad!

I agree with Susan and Lucia: It's fine having this as an option, but yet again a TypePad mandatory change means Advanced Template users lose more control over how their pages look.

How are you supposed to future-proof your design? I have no confidence any more that the pages I've spent hours and hours designing will not be broken by some future change.

I've had zero response from my complaint to Six Apart about this as well.

This is the final straw for me, and I won't be renewing my account next year. Disappointing.

67 Oct 24, 2008 11:33:56 PM
Susan on Drop Down Menus for Categories + Archives

Goodness, how I wish you could add this code to the CSS in the Design area or to Typelist Notes and not have to have Advanced template mode. I have a pro account, but really like using the user-friendly layout to navigate and design my blog. Is there a way to create the dropdown box (which I did in Typelists using notes) and connect it to the list you want? I added the code to the Typelist Notes and it came up in my blog, the only problem is, obviously, is that it didn't show the monthly archives. There's gotta be a way. If you figure it out, please let me know.


68 Oct 24, 2008 8:06:46 PM
TypepPad on How To: Insert Google AdSense Ads Between Posts on Your TypePad Blog

TypePad Knowledge base article that includes the information from the previous comment: -- Tip: Displaying Content Between Posts in an Advanced Template

Thanks again from TypePad!

69 Oct 24, 2008 7:10:41 PM
TypePad Engineering on How To: Insert Google AdSense Ads Between Posts on Your TypePad Blog

Hi John,

Since we added the pagination functionality to blogs recently, this hack no longer works quite right. Instead, you can use the MTEntryIfOrderNum tag to determine where you are in an MTEntries loop and display additional content between entries. Here's an example:


   Add any other MTEntry tags and HTML code as you wish.

    <MTEntryIfOrderNum num="0">
       This will be displayed following the first entry.

   <MTEntryIfOrderNum num="3">
      This will be displayed between the fourth and fifth entries.

   <MTEntryIfOrderNum num="6">
      This will be displayed between the seventh and eighth entries.


The entries shown on a given page will be numbered starting at 0, starting from the top and going downwards on the page. Instead of many MTEntries blocks, you'll have just a single MTEntries with multiple MTEntryIfOrderNum blocks in it. As TypePad generates the page, it will look at each MTEntryIfOrderNum block, and when the "num" parameter matches the current position on the page, TypePad will process the code and text inside that MTEntryIfOrderNum block. The process repeats until TypePad has finished looping through the MTEntries block.

Finally, you'll need to add pagination links, which are explained in this KB article:

70 Oct 23, 2008 1:46:57 PM
Karen Hall on New TypePad Compose Window


Especially the new photo insert, which takes twice as much time as the old one and looks horrible once it's done.

71 Oct 17, 2008 7:20:57 PM
Dave Weiss on New TypePad Compose Window


Go to the HTML tab of the editor after writing the content of your post. You'll see your paragraphs delineated by < p > and < /p > tags. You can change the opening tag to < p align="center" > (remove the extra spaces I put in).

That will center the text between these paragraph tags.

72 Oct 17, 2008 12:44:31 PM
John T Unger on New TypePad Compose Window

Hi Glenn,

If you go to there's a link to sign up for the beta program, which is currently the only place that the new compose window is available. Keep in mind though that the Beta program is just what it claims: Beta. ie: you will have early access to new features but you will also be working with new software that is a work in progress.

73 Oct 17, 2008 10:50:03 AM
Glenn Broadway on New TypePad Compose Window

I've been a Pro account user for many years and I still am not seeing this new compose window, in mid October. I've emailed Typepad and they say I might get it one day. All I want to do is be able centre content in my blog posts!

74 Oct 7, 2008 3:23:29 AM
Mika on Rank Better in Google by Adding Dynamic Title Tags to your TypePad Blog

Hi John,

Just wanted to thank you so much for this. I have been trying to figure this out and you made it so easy! Thanks so much! :)))

75 Oct 5, 2008 7:07:52 PM
Dave Weiss on How To: Create a Dynamic Horizontal Navigation Menu for TypePad Blogs


76 Oct 5, 2008 5:49:27 PM
jason on How To: Create a Dynamic Horizontal Navigation Menu for TypePad Blogs

Can you do this with "Edit Custom CSS"? I would like the horizontal navigation but I like the design flexibility you get in the standard editing "Order Content, Change Layout, Select Content, etc." Is it possible to get this working with just "Edit Custom CSS" instead of convertint it to an advanced template? Thanks

77 Sep 30, 2008 9:57:11 AM
Dave Weiss on How To: Create a Dynamic Horizontal Navigation Menu for TypePad Blogs

Take a look at this link, which describes the layout of a typical TypePad page.

You can have a footer that is inside the container that holds your blog's content, or you can put it outside the container. I personally prefer outside.

Create a module template so that your code is in one place. You don't want to type code right into your template. Call the module body-footer or something else meaningful.

Take a look at your main-index template. Scroll all the way down to the bottom. You should see two closing div tags followed by a TypePad tag that copies in the TypePad analytics code.

Above that TypePad Analytics code and below the two closing div tags, use the MTInclude directive to include your footer module. Within your custom footer module, create whatever classes or IDs you need so that you can style the footer using the stylesheet.

Of course, you'll have to this same thing for the other templates as well.

Hope this helps.

78 Sep 30, 2008 2:42:04 AM
Amir Said on How To: Create a Dynamic Horizontal Navigation Menu for TypePad Blogs


Does anyone know of a step by step process for adding a customized footer to your Typepad blog? The only info that I've been able to come up only deals with "post" footers. I want to be able to add copyright info at the bottom of my blog, but I have no idea how to do this.

Thank you,

- Sa'id

79 Sep 28, 2008 5:13:39 PM
JAMES HIBBERD on Rank Better in Google by Adding Dynamic Title Tags to your TypePad Blog

I made this change and saw a quick increase in traffic. But now a couple months later, my search engine traffic has crashed completely (except on old posts) and i'm mystified as to why. My page rank has even increased to 6 yet many of my posts i can't even find via google, even though i did this fix and the keywords one, and imput categories and keywords for every post.

Any ideas?

80 Sep 23, 2008 10:53:32 PM
Darrin & Josy on About TypePad Hacks

I am so glad we found your site so we can learn more about making our Typepad blog better. Just subscribed and thrilled to look around your blog and see what can help us with the new blog we are trying to build from scratch. We are not code experts and might have to hire you for help. :)
That's so awesome how Michael Sippey spoke about your blog and great ideas. It's not everyday a GM will admit that someonelse's ideas are better then their own. Kuddos on that one.

81 Sep 21, 2008 2:18:50 AM
Dave Weiss on Update Your Advanced Template Blog To Make Technorati Tags Visible


You mean Technorati tags? Go into the Knowledge Base. Search for "entry-list-sticky" and copy the entry-list-sticky code into a new template module.

Remove this line of code from your copy of entry-list-sticky:

< $MTWeblogIncludeModule module="technorati-tags"$ >

In your Main Index Template, find the line that includes the default entry-list-sticky module:

< $MTWeblogIncludeModule module="entry-list-sticky"$ >

Change it to include your customized "entry-list-sticky".

< $MTInclude module="entry-list-sticky"$ >

(I've added extra spaces to the MT commands - remove them)

Follow the same instructions for the "entry-individual" module. The Technorati tags appear there, also.

82 Sep 20, 2008 9:26:52 PM
Dave Weiss on A Creative TypePad SEO Hack


Hey - you caught an error on my part. Edit up the head-individual module, not head-common. That's the module that is included on the individual archives. head-common is included in every page, which isn't quite correct.

Go into the Knowledge Base, and search for head-individual. You'll find the standard code for this module. Copy that code.

Create a template module in your design with that same name - head-individual. Add the code for the META tag using the MTEntryKeywords variable.

Then, in your individual archives template, do just what you posted - except it would be:

< $MTInclude module="head-individual"$ >

Remove the spaces before the < and the >.

83 Sep 20, 2008 7:22:51 PM
Kate (again!) on A Creative TypePad SEO Hack

Sorry david to be suck a pest, but i really want to get this figured out. This is the line i'm having troubles with;

"Where TypePad has the include directive that pulls in the default head-common code, you're going to want to replace that with the edited code you created earlier - the code with all the common head code which now includes the line with the MTEntryKeywords command in it."

Does it mean that you want me to replace < $MTWeblogIncludeModule module="head-common"$ > with ALL of the edited head-common code? If you could just explain that little bit to me that would be fantastic! thanks

84 Sep 20, 2008 5:49:00 PM
James on Update Your Advanced Template Blog To Make Technorati Tags Visible

Again, what if you use advanced templates and you want your Tech tags invisible? i've tried everything and i can't seem to make them disappear without killing them

85 Sep 20, 2008 5:46:37 AM
Kate on A Creative TypePad SEO Hack

That's great news for anyone using a standard template, but i imagine most people on this site are using advanced and so its not much help to us at all. :(

86 Sep 19, 2008 9:35:26 AM
Dave Weiss on A Creative TypePad SEO Hack


TypePad announces today that my hack (with some improvements) is now part of the standard templates.

Go take a look.

87 Sep 17, 2008 9:37:24 PM
kate on A Creative TypePad SEO Hack

Hey David, have you had any time to look at that step by step? Sorry to be a hassle, but i'd love to get it all up and running asap. :) thanks in advance.

88 Sep 17, 2008 12:39:04 AM
Send Flowers and Gifts to delhi on Creating Custom TypePad Widgets

Send flowers,Gifts,cakes and many more items for all occasions
in Delhi,Noida,Faridabad,Gurgoan and Ghaziabad, Same day delivery

89 Sep 15, 2008 9:06:30 PM
kate on Add a Free Forum to Your TypePad Blog in Minutes!

I've had the same problem, they don't have the code readily available any more!

90 Sep 15, 2008 8:07:29 AM
Alex22 on TypePad Post Dating Oddity

Nice posting.... Thank you for sharing...

91 Sep 10, 2008 9:33:54 PM
kate on A Creative TypePad SEO Hack

Thanks David, that would be really helpful! I'm not fluent in typepad speak just yet, but i am learning. :)

92 Sep 10, 2008 11:25:46 AM
1001 noisy cameras on How To: Display Excerpts Rather Than Full Posts on Your Blog's Archive Pages

Great blog and great resource for TypePad users! This is one of my most favorite tips ever! I have used it to convert the date-based archives into a list of posts, and the category-based archives into a list of short-excrepts.

And for those who may write lots of posts, if you don't see all of them, you can either use "lastn" and give it a large number (good for list-based archives perhaps), or you can add the pagination code from the advanced templates right before the end of the code above (/MTEntries) (good for excrept-based archives perhaps).

Again, great blog and great resource! This blog helped me tremendously to make my transition to TypePad.

93 Sep 10, 2008 9:35:13 AM
Dave Weiss on A Creative TypePad SEO Hack


Sorry I confused you! It's the computer programmer side of my persona.

I'll try to give you a step by step later today or tomorrow. I've got a bunch of things cooking for most of the day.

94 Sep 10, 2008 7:22:55 AM
Kate on A Creative TypePad SEO Hack

I hate to come on hear and plead the novice card, but i think i have too, sorry David, but even your expanded explanation just goes over my head. Is there a simple, step by step version available anywhere.... (simple to the level of step 1 - open design tab, step 2 - ....)

I've managed to add the horizontal nav bar and the footer using your hacks, but this one just confuses me! Help, please! :)

95 Sep 9, 2008 9:59:39 PM
rob on I'm speaking at BlogWorld, 2008

great, we look forward to the discussion. i'm sure you will post a FULL report


96 Sep 7, 2008 11:21:29 PM
Arun Bansal on Flock, better browsing for social media

Articles and content in this section of the website are really amazing. From

97 Sep 5, 2008 9:18:20 PM
Des Walsh on I'm speaking at BlogWorld, 2008

Looking forward to joining you on the panel, John. Isn't it marvellous? With the help of a few emails, a conference call courtesy of Denise's bridge, some Google docs, we have joined in the process of putting a panel session together without ever having had what the old net folks used to call a flesh meet. Realistically, it has probably only cost each of us in actual outgoings a few dollars, if that, for a long distance phone call. And we could have used Skype and it would have been free. I feel good living in the future. :)

98 Sep 2, 2008 5:14:00 PM
sjeffh on 3 Custom Template Modules You'll Use Again and Again

I also noticed that something here stops the post titles from linking to the posts. This might be an issue if you use excerpts often as I do. Any suggestions?

99 Aug 31, 2008 12:57:02 PM
Dave Weiss on Sidebar and Content Widths

This is one of the designs I mentioned that doesn't "play nice".

I just helped someone through the same issue. We ended up creating a completely new design using the built-in style designer, converted it to an Advanced Template set, then modified the stylesheet and templates to match the needed design elements of the blog's original design.

Not easy to do, but you're better off in the long run to have a very standard architecture/design that you can easily modify in the future.

In fact, since I was able to recreate the design using a much more standard approach, I wonder why the original designers didn't do it this way to begin with. It makes life much easier.

John and I had discussed making some template sets for TypePad users that were snazzier than some of what's out there, with hacks like horizontal navigation pre-built into them. If and when we get around to it, that will probably make people's lives (as far as TypePad design and hacks go) a little easier.

100 Aug 30, 2008 2:57:48 AM
Jeff on How To: Create a Dynamic Horizontal Navigation Menu for TypePad Blogs


Thanks for the tip, but when I implement it, the links on the tabs do not work. It's like, if I click on one tab, it clicks on all the tabs and graphic banner and stays on the same page.

Any suggestions to fix this? Thanks!


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