AHA Award for Thom Meredith's latimesmagazine.com design
September 16, 2009
This article reprinted from the the TypePad Hacks Weblog. The original article can be found online:
© 2008, John T Unger
I got an brief email from Thom Meredith Monday that read:
Hi, just wanted you to check out my site that I built using Typepad and using your site as a great guide (no other site had as many great tips)
The link was to www.latimesmagazine.com. Go check it out, it's amazing.
I can almost always tell at a glance when I'm looking at a site built on TypePad, but Thom really built something that stands alone… and I was so blown away that I felt I had to come out of semi-retirement to give it a proper shout out. I called Thom and chatted with him a bit about the project. He doesn't usually work with TypePad which just makes the custom templates, CSS and clever use of JavaScript all that much more impressive.
The entire site is built on TypePad, but each section is customized to present its content differently. Category archives such as 50 and Turn it Up use image icons to spice up the list, while the individual entries are customized to display the feature material at it's best. Throughout the site, slideshows, mouseovers, and dynamic content all come together to present engaging content cleanly, quickly and without feeling cluttered or overdone. Rather than showing you screenshots, I'd urge you to go visit the site and explore all the sections to see them in action.
It's nice to know that after a year away from TypePad Hacks and a ton of changes to the platform, people are still finding value in the tutorials here.
More Like This: AHA: Applied Hacking Awards
Karin says:
It is great. But it is almost greater if you come back from "semi-retirement". :-)
Posted: Sep 28, 2009 7:58:30 AM
Mike Smarr says:
Wow! Did that ever motivate the @#%! out of me! Awesome work, great tutorials!
Posted: Oct 23, 2009 11:21:07 PM