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John T. Unger

Drag Links from firefox sidebar to your TypePad compose window

John T. Unger April 2, 2008

Just on a hunch, it occurred to me that I might be able to create links in a TypePad post by dragging a bookmark from the sidebar in Firefox to the compose window… you know what? It works!

Oh man, is this ever gonna save me some time!

So from now on, when I'm writing a link heavy post, I think I'll do it this way:

  1. Open a new window in Firefox.
  2. Load all the pages I plan to write about.
  3. Select "Bookmark All Tabs" from the Bookmarks Menu.
  4. Create a folder in my bookmarks with all the links.
  5. Open the folder in the sidebar and drag each link into my post as needed.

The link created is a text link with whatever text is shown as the name of your bookmark, so to further save time, you might want to edit the bookmarks so the name for the bookmark matches the anchor text you want for the link.

I just tested to see if it also works in Blogger (it does). Can anyone test it on other blog platforms and report in the comments if it works for those as well?

More Like This: Blog Tools , Browsers , Hacks for Layout + Design , Hacks for Navigation

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