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John T. Unger

About John T Unger

John T. Unger April 6, 2008

Johntunger600pxWho am I? If you're looking for a world class expert on TypePad, ask just about anyone and they'll send you to me. I make my primary living as an artist and designer, but because blogging is what made that possible, I've spent years honing my chops at making TypePad jump through hoops to give me (or you) exactly what we need.

Why TypePad? Well, there are two answers to this: 1. although there are lots of great blog platforms out there, I think TypePad offers the best combination of ease-of-use with raw power… the design wizard and posting tools make it really easy to get started, but the custom coding options make it possible to do almost anything once you get under the hood. 2. When I get into something, well, I get into it. Once I started hacking at the templates, I was hooked on pushing the limits as far beyond where they seemed to be as I could. It's fun for me.

Credentials: I'm a member of the TypePad Customer Advisory Board and have written several guest posts for Six Apart's Everything TypePad blog. TypePad Hacks was selected as a TypePad Featured Blog on June 7, 2006. I'm pals with a lot of the people at Six Apart who work on TypePad because they're great people and we enjoy each other's work. I've got lots of happy clients and there are lots of very kind posts about me on other blogs where you can get a feel for what people think of the work I've done. You can also check out the comments below posts to see what people have to say about the tutorials or tech support I've provided. I pretty much taught myself everything I know… I try to pass along as much of it as I can, in a format that I hope will be easy for both newbies and seasoned pros to follow.

As a result of the work I've done with TypePad, I've also been asked for feedback by companies like AdaptiveBlue, AddThis, Authorati, Cocomment, FeedBurner, Wondermill and others (most of it on a fairly informal basis) and I've done consulting for companies including PayPal and Etsy. For the most part, my goal in consulting has been to get better software and services and to enjoy speaking with some of the smartest people on the planet (or the web, anyway).

If you're curious about me as a person, the best way to get a sense of who I am is probably to look at what I've done with my time. You can do that by visiting the following blogs and websites. Oh, and if you wanna read the older, less formal about page you can still check it out here.

My Other Sites:
John T. Unger on Twitter: Twitter is probably the most personal outlet for me on the web right now. It's a much less edited feed from my brain, so if you want the raw goods, start there. A direct message or reply on Twitter is much more likely to get my attention quickly than an email will these days.

John T. Unger Studio: This is my personal blog. Posts about art, design and creativity, studio news, business and marketing strategies, etc. Some of everything.

ArtBuzz: Art for Sale: A blog where I post all the work that is currently available for purchase or commission. Artbuzz began as an experiment in using blogs to build online storefronts. Artbuzz only updates when I have new work for sale.

Commission Portfolio: Want to see more of my work? This is where I keep photos and descriptions of most of my major projects. There's a lot to see. I've been busy.

I Got No Zen: I spent about 15 years working as a poet and writer before I switched to art and design. Most of the work from that period is archived here. I'm still updating as time permits.

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