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John T. Unger

First TypePad Wishlist Posted… Send More!

John T. Unger May 5, 2006

A couple days ago I invited readers to post their wishlists for features in TypePad.

I just found the first one today and it's really good. All of the features on it are new ones that haven't been added to the Agenda page, although number four is similar to an item already listed. Here's the four things Nicole would like to see:

  1. I wish when you swich from "compose post" to "edit html" view, your cursor/selected text stayed in the same place.
  2. I wish I could upload multiple files in the Control Panel.
  3. I wish I could make a custom 404.
  4. I wish I could give guest and junior authors control over typelists, and approving posts and comments - in fact, it would be awesome if the permissions were a lot more customizable.

Number one and two I especially like. I can't count the times I've been frustrated by not being able to upload multiple files. I'm surprised that never made it to the list earlier. I'll definitely add it in the next round.

Custom 404s are a great idea, but I don't think they'll happen because of the way the servers are set up. I did just have an idea about combining MT Tags and redirects that might make it possible for TypePad to offer custom 404s without having to allow users to access their .htaccess file. I've passed it along to see if it's possible.

So, the first entry in the wishlist project was great! Come on, what are the top ten features you'd like to see?

More Like This: Community , Community Projects , Dialogue , TypePad


Sarah says:

I'd like to select a bunch of posts by category and unpublish them all at once. I'd also like to be able to copy them over to another weblog.

john t unger says:

Those are both great ideas, Sarah! I'll add them to the list.

What I actually want to do at this point is try to narrow down ten items by popularity that we can try to get implemented… Rather than adding more items to the list, I'd like to get everyone to post their ten fave requests so we can hand it to the Design Team and say, "lets start with these."

Jorge says:

John, I don't have "ten fave requests" but

I would like to easily build a Google Sitemap using an Index Template with an output file "sitemap.xml". I would like to see this even for TypePad Basic.

Better than uploading multiple file, for TypaPad Pro, I would like to have ftp access to my account.

That's all for now. Thanks.

john t unger says:

Thanks for the feature requests, Jorge. I'm pretty sure that FTP access is something that (though I'd like to have it too) will never be part of the TypePad platform… The reason being that part of what distinguishes TypePad from a standard hosting company is the way that it allows uploading content without FTP.

The Google Sitemap feature is a good idea that might be possible to integrate though. I'll add that one to the list.

Thomas says:

Do you know how to create a custom 404 error page on TypePad blogs that are mapped to a domain? Or is this still a 'wish' item? I can't seem to find an answer from Google or on here. :)

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